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writer's corner

writer''s corner is a place where the authors of UAS can show their work to the world. works include short stories, poems, articles, reflections, etc. 


short story

by eliana r.

grade 11

It’s amazing how many things the human mind forgets. Decades and decades of life, and in the end only a few memories remain. Mere glimpses of what once was, flashes that barely account for anything at all. 

the double ended mailbox

short story

by juan josé l.

grade 11

During a cold winter in 1780, there was an expired heart still beating slow and painfully in Gledfield Estate, United Kingdom. This heart belonged to the most disconsolate man in the whole world.

Daily routine (inside your mind)

short story 

by natalia a.

grade 11


You wake up at 7 am. You realize that you won’t have time to nicely wash and dry your hair, put on some expensive make up that covers the cruel reality of teenagers, and chose the shirt that best looks on you, although you know none of your beautiful shirts would go on with you, so you would finally chose the first shirt you can localize.

short story

by natalia a.

grade 11

Is not true that when you die you see light and you feel a warm. Not even that there is a sunshine that guides you to that fountain of light, and then you suddenly disappear. You are just alive in a moment. Then you see dark. Then you don’t feel. Then you die.


short story

by eliana r.

grade 11

 You hear your alarm clock from the corner of a dream—a nightmare, in fact. The sound reaches you as if from afar, and it takes all of your willpower to resist the lulling pull of sleep. 

fruit basket


by eugyoung h.

grade 11

Teenagers never really thank our mothers for their hard work, or their loving care. Kids just shrug their mothers off and ignore them when they show interest, constantly argue, and get mad if they make even the tiniest mistake. We never really think about the love that is wrapped underneath their words or actions.

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